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Comas, raging hormones and party time!

My first coma was surreal. I think I was 11 or 12 years old. I woke up vomiting, one of...

Mumps, pancreatitis, mayhem.

This is what I remember. My parents fighting. My sister and I hiding, crouched at the top of the stairs,...

Identity or labels?

I was volunteering recording audiobooks at Learning Ally. I read from a book about forming identity in adolescence. I learned...

I looked within. Literally.

“F*** you, piece of s***!” or something similar and fully spelled out. Don’t we often feel like saying it, yelling...

Share Your Happiness

Why do you think people are in awe of celebrities? Why do we look up to and are inspired by...

This moment

I walk into my mother’s room and she lights up with happiness. We hug, her body shivers with joy for...

Another day in Italy

It’s a typical autumn day in Rimini, endlessly similar to many I remember from my childhood. My father and I...

Italy: We’ve arrived! And I can’t sleep.

It’s 3AM. I just finished reading a book. I read the author’s note. I read the afterword. I would’ve read...

Karma: once you meet her you won’t forget her

It all started in the universal mind of The Man Upstairs, where it became clear that every action has its...

Writing Interview

I was asked these questions and I thought of sharing them here. In case it sounds interesting. What did you...

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